Pluta Communities Over Time

Graphic Organizer 


What do you know about the Pilgrim community? 

(We record not only what the students know, but what they think they know.  As research progresses students will confirm correct statements, identify inaccurate statements and record corrections in the What did you learn?  section below.)

They needed food and water to survive.

They needed trees to survive.

They had a community to keep them safe.

They celebrated Hannukah.

They sailed on the Mayflower.

They transported from England to the United States.

They were Indians.

They lived with bears.

They lived in tents.

They were a group of people,

They were good people.

They had cars. 


What do you want to learn about the Pilgrim community?

 What language did they speak?

What clothes did they wear?

What kind of bathrooms did they have?

What kind of shoes did they wear?

What kind of food did they eat?

What did the Wampanoag people teach the Pilgrims?  Did they teach them how to fish?

How did they get their food?

Did they play games?

Did they go to school?

What did they use to get somewhere (travel)?

What are some of the words that they used that we don't?

What kind of pets did they have?

What different languages did the speak?

How big was the Mayflower?

What kind of food did they eat?

How would they have traveled if they needed to get somewhere fast?

Did they have glass?

Did they plant food?

Did they have friends?

Did they have a boat?

How did they play games? 


What did you learn about the Pilgrim  community?