Monazah Communities Over Time

Graphic Organizer 


What do you know about the Pilgrim community? 

(We record not only what the students know, but what they think they know.  As research progresses students will confirm correct statements, identify inaccurate statements and record corrections in the What did you learn?  section below.)

They sailed on a boat.

They lived long ago.

They built houses.

They were nice people.

They bumped into a rock.

Pilgrims were in battle.

The Pilgrims ran into a rock.

The Pilgrims were born a long time ago.

The Pilgrims were the first one to find the U.S.A.

They helped the poor people.

They lived a long time ago.

They traveled on the Mayflower.


What do you want to learn about the Pilgrim community?

What did their homes look like?

Did they speak English?

What games did they play?

How did they celebrate stuff?

How did they communicate with the Wampanoag?

Did they make anything?

Did they go to school?

Did they have celebrations?

Why did they eat pumpkins?

Why did they wear the same clothes?

How was the trip on the Mayflower?

Did they have homework?

Did they have to go to school?

Did they ever have a fight with the Indians?

Did they Mayflower make it?

Why did they have to eat strange food?

Why did they wear hats?

How did they celebrate?

How did they play games?

What games did they play?

How did they build their houses?

How many houses did they have?

How did they make a fire?

How did they make their clothes?

When did the Mayflower run into Plymouth?

What did they eat?

What language did they speak?

What did they wear?

Did they go to school?

What games did they play?

Why did they eat pumpkins?

What was the journey like on the Mayflower?

What was the Mayflower like?

What did they eat on the Mayflower?


  What did you learn about the Pilgrim community?