Kahan Communities Over Time

Graphic Organizer 


What do you know about the Pilgrim community? 

(We record not only what the students know, but what they think they know.  As research progresses students will confirm correct statements, identify inaccurate statements and record corrections in the What did you learn?  section below.)

They made their clothes out of sheep's wool.

The lived in the old days.

They worked together.

They celebrate Hannuka.

They worked in an assembly line.

They went on a boat to North Carolina.

They were in battle with the Indians.

They were early Americans.

They lived in teepees.

They fought the Indians.

They discovered America.

They ate wild animals for food.

They ate nuts.

The spoke with an English accent.


What do you want to learn about the Pilgrim community?

What type of home did they live in?

What type of games did they play?

What kind of jobs did they do?

When did they start Thanksgiving?

When did they live?

Where did they get their food?

What transportation did they use?

Did they use computers?

What did the Pilgrims eat?

How did the Pilgrims communicate?

How did the Mayflower work?

How did the Pilgrims travel?

Where did they sleep on the Mayflower?

What was the Mayflower like?

Why did they have different food?

Why did they eat duck?

How did the Indians know about what foods to eat?

Where did the Pilgrims live?

What happened to the Pilgrims?

Why didn't the Mayflower ship sink during the storm?

What were their clothes made of?

Where did they sleep in their homes and on the Mayflower?

What did they eat?

What was the Mayflower like?

What did they play?

When did they live?

How did they speak?

What country did the Pilgrims live in?

What did they do during the day?

How did they get their food?

How did Squanto help the Pilgrims?

What did the Pilgrims do to entertain themselves?

When was Squanto born?

How did they wear their hair? 


What did you learn about the Pilgrim community?