Ms Selby's Class - China



We learned this was correct.


We aren't sure.   We need to do more research. 


ABC  We learned this was not correct.



What do you know about China? 

They eat noodles with sticks.

They talk differently.

They celebrate special days.

When it is Chinese New Year there is a dragon.

They eat fish.

They eat other stuff.

They do karate.

They dress up in red clothes.

They have things to scare away all of the bad luck.

They make lights with paper.

They wear different clothes.

They go to Chinese restaurants.

They eat sushi.

Some people believe in the Chinese dragon.

They wear black shoes. 


What Questions do you have about China?


How do they travel?

Do they have children?

How do they make the Chinese dragons?

How do they make their clothes?

Why do they wear black shoes and red clothes?

Do they always wear hats?

Do they have pets?

How do they make dragons?

How do they Chinese dance?

How do they make fluff for their jackets?

How do they eat?

How do they dress?

Why do they eat with Chinese sticks?

Why do they dress in karate clothes?

How many people live in China?

How do they make the houses?

How do they speak?

What are their homes like?

Do they all have to go to work?

What does the Chinese flag look like?

Why do they throw bow and arrows?

Why do they wear slippers?



We learned the following facts about China.

They eat with chopsticks.

There are a billion people in China.

Rice is eaten with every meal.

They wear a lot of red.

Their shoes are usually black.

They celebrate Chinese New Year.

The people speak Chinese.

They live in smaller houses with a lot of people.

Children sometimes make their own lunch at school.

The teacher have over fifty students in one class.

The children mostly walk to school.

China has a lot of traffic jams with people on bicycles.

The mothers usually stay home and cook and shop for the kids.